Our Specialisms

At Godfrey Care, we deliver specialised, person-centred support designed to empower individuals to confidently take meaningful steps forward in their daily lives.

Our commitment lies in the belief that everyone has the right to tailored support, within bespoke environments set within their communities, not institutions, and not to be limited in choice because of their complex support needs.

Our skilled teams work closely with each individual to develop personalised, outcome-driven plans that encompass every aspect of daily life, including personal care, health and well-being, and emotional support. With the focus always being on the least restrictive options and positive risk-taking to ensure meaningful support.

Learning Disabilities

At Godfrey Care, we support individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities that significantly impact their ability to communicate their needs, express their desires, and live independently. Many of those we care for also face complex health and social challenges associated with their condition.

We strive to provide support in the least restrictive way, offering bespoke environments designed to the highest standards and situated within the heart of each individual’s chosen community. Our support is centred on empowering individuals to live as independently as possible, with full involvement in all aspects of decision-making.

As proud members of the Learning Disability Alliance, we are committed to actively defending the rights of people with learning disabilities and their families, ensuring their voices are heard and respected.

Transforming Care

At Godfrey Care, we are proud to support the Transforming Care Programme (TCP) and the national “Building the Right Support” agenda as a specialist care provider.

We collaborate with commissioners from local authorities and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) to understand local needs and develop bespoke service models aligned with the national framework for people with learning disabilities and/or autism who display challenging behaviour, including those with associated mental health conditions.

Our Residential and Supported Living services provide tailored TCP placements, recognising that not everyone needs an ordinary home—some require an extraordinary home designed to meet their unique needs.

We are deeply aware of the challenges faced by individuals with learning disabilities and/or autism, including the systemic barriers and inequalities that often prevent access to quality community-based services. These challenges can lead to missed opportunities and inappropriate hospital admissions. For individuals with a forensic history or those transitioning from hospital settings due to placement breakdowns or mental health crises, finding the right support provider can be especially daunting.

To address these challenges, we offer a robust pathway to help individuals transition into meaningful community settings—not institutions.

This pathway begins with the referral and assessment process, where our teams engage closely with the individual, their clinical multidisciplinary team (MDT), and their families to understand their needs, goals, and aspirations. We assess environmental requirements to create personalised, bespoke settings that best meet each person’s needs.

From our extensive experience in hospital discharges, we know that a strong, well-planned transition is key to ensuring placement success and preventing breakdowns. We prioritise building trust between individuals and their support teams while helping them adjust to new routines and environments.

Our Clinical Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and Operational teams collaborate to develop personalised support plans, ensuring the individual’s needs remain central to everything we do. In the critical early stages, our Clinical PBS team provides scaffolding support to ensure safe and effective care, laying the foundation for long-term success and stability.

Challenging Behaviour

Many of the individuals we support display behaviours considered challenging, which we at Godfrey Care understand to be a form of communication, expressing distress, heightened emotions, or unmet needs.

In collaboration with our in-house Clinical PBS and Training teams, our support staff are trained in Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), Active Support, and NAPPI. This training equips them to understand the functions of behaviours and apply tailored strategies designed to meet each individual’s specific and complex needs.

Functional assessments are conducted for every individual, leading to the development of bespoke PBS support plans that address their ongoing needs across all aspects of daily living. When challenging behaviours occur, detailed reviews are undertaken to identify the function of the behaviour, potential triggers, and strategies to reduce their impact. This process aims to decrease the frequency and severity of such behaviours over time.

This additional layer of support enables our team to take a person-centred approach, helping individuals develop effective coping strategies, reducing negative stressors, and fostering greater independence and a positive quality of life.


Godfrey Care provides support to individuals with a range of Autism Spectrum diagnoses, understanding that each person has unique needs. Through our partnership with NAPPI UK, we deliver specialised training that equips staff with the knowledge to understand the challenges faced by those on the Autism Spectrum and, more importantly, to provide effective, positive, and person-centred support.

Staff receive bespoke autism training to address additional needs, such as sensory processing disorders, communication challenges, and behaviours of concern. This training equips them to support individuals in developing strategies to enhance their quality of life and reduce stress by tailoring communication and interaction styles to their specific needs.

Each individual’s sensory requirements are carefully integrated into their PBS support plans, ensuring support staff have a thorough understanding of their needs. By applying the PBS and Active Support models, staff can adapt their approaches in a person-centred way, providing tailored support that aligns with each individual’s unique requirements.

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

At Godfrey Care we utilise the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) model when working with individuals. PBS is a person-centred framework for providing long-term support to people with a Learning Disability, Autism, Mental Health conditions, and people whose behaviours that challenge. PBS provides the right support for a person, their family and friends to help people lead a meaningful life and learn new skills without unnecessary restrictions.

PBS is a person-centred approach aimed at increasing and improving the quality of life for people who use our services, and uses applied behavioural science to inform decision making. We apply the principles of the PBS Competence Framework as outlined by the PBS Academy (2015), and the Department of Health and Social Care’s (2014) guidance Positive and Proactive Care: reducing the need for restrictive interventions.

Our staff are trained to utilise the PBS model under the guidance of our PBS Clinical Lead, and we ensure that services from both an environmental and social context are equipped to meet the needs of individuals with complex needs. We firmly believe that through the use of the PBS model, with the right support, the likelihood of behaviour that challenges is reduced, and people experience happier, more meaningful lives.